What is the difference between a job description and a person specification?

When advertising for a job vacancy there are two key documents that you need to prepare. These are a job description and a person specification. A procurement recruitment agency like https://talentdrive.co.uk will produce detailed versions of each of these for the jobs that they are advertising for their clients. If you were wondering what the difference between these two documents was, here is a quick overview.

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A job description is a document that shares an overview of the job role, its function within the wider organisation and the responsibilities that are required within it. It will highlight the job role, reporting responsibilities, work location, a short summary of what the job entails as well as the tasks that are likely to be performed and an indication of the salary. It allows a prospective candidate to decide whether they feel they are a good fit for the job.

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A person specification is where the qualification and knowledge requirements for the role are expressed and these are often displayed as those that are essential for the role and those that are desirable. It is a document that will be used in an interview and in the selection process to assess with an individual meets the requirement of needs for the job that is being advertised.  It is also useful for deciding on promotion and salary increase once the individual is employed in the role.

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