Helping the Wildlife in your Area this Winter

In the winter, the wildlife can really struggle – if you want to help the local fauna, here are some ideas that you can do in your own garden…

Provide a Bird Table – Something that is scarce in the winter for animals is food. Birds struggle in the winter to find food, when temperatures drop and the ground as well as the water starts freezing. Providing a bird table in the garden will quickly attract plenty of your feathered friends – put fat balls and nuts out, as well as fresh water each day.

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Build a Pond – A pond is a haven for wildlife – before long, a garden pond will be teeming with life, regardless of its size. Frogs, dragonflies and newts will all set up home in a garden pond. As well as benefitting the local wildlife, a garden pond can also benefit you! Set up a water feature fountain in it, using copper pipe like this and it will be a decorative feature as well as a wildlife habitat.

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Make Places for Animals to Shelter Over Winter – For many animals’ winter is tough, and they need places to shelter over the winter months. Animals like bees need a small and cosy place to nest down for the winter, as well as hedgehogs who will need a warm and safe spot to snuggle up in. Hedgehog and bug houses are two things that you can easily provide for local animals.

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