Have some skin problem is something that despair, anguish and stressed because many people are concerned about how they look and how long you will be with him. See a dermatologist who values the course of treatment is necessary, but also what we eat determines the health of the skin. For those who still seek the best treatments, which can be found in foods that reduce acne.
A study by the American Journal of Nutrition reveals that frequent intake of foods rich in nutrients brings great benefits to your skin.

It is rich in chlorophyll, which cleans bacteria and toxins in the digestive tract and the bloodstream. Toxins and bacteria that are not ejected, are stored as waste and produce acne.
In addition to delicious, it is one of the foods that reduce acne because it is high in omega – 3 fats; proteins that stimulate collagen and help fight inflammation.
It is one of the best sources of chlorophyll that reduces acne, inflammation and blood problems, digestive and heart.
It is actually a root that is sold as a spice, and is ideal for skin. It acts as a natural remedy against bacteria and internal toxins that lead to acne.
You may also like to read another article on xWorld: 10 foods that detoxify the body
Another of the foods that reduce acne are lentils, chickpeas and soybeans to be rich in omega 3 and 6, natural antioxidants that keep clean the pores of the skin.
Red grapes
These delicious fruits not only prevent skin allergies but also their consumption is effective for psoriasis and eczema for its antioxidant properties, which also benefits the skin with acne; the secret is to eat them with seeds.
Foods rich in zinc
It reduces inflammation and helps to maintain proper hormone levels. You find it in barley, chicken, crab, scallops, lamb, wheat and turkey.
In addition to consuming these foods that reduce acne do not forget to have good habits like practicing some exercise and reduce stress with some activity to your liking.