Mega ROI with content: it is possible

Taking the time to get your business’s content marketing right can pay off in spades, but where should you start? Here are a few tips to help you achieve mega ROI.

Mega ROI with content

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Get personal

The most important thing to ask yourself while creating content is whether your customer will find it interesting, useful and inspiring. As a content creator, you must always be focused on the people in your audience and their feelings towards your brand. Farming out boring, pushy or irrelevant content is the fastest way there is to sever brand relationships.

Have empathy with your audience and see the process as a two-way relationship: if they like what you’re providing them with, they’ll provide you with business.

Quality, not quantity

You may have been told that companies generating vast amounts of content draw a higher number of potential customers, and while it is true that you may rack up more clicks overall, you may lose disgruntled customers in the long term. After all, even if your content is out of this world, your customers don’t want to feel pestered by you.

Keep your interactions short, sweet and surprising. Set yourselves some tasks: Try to make your potential customers smile, teach them a cool trick or life hack, or open up an inspiring dialogue with them via social media. Marketing agencies can help you identify your key audience. For example, you can find an SEO Agency in Dublin like that specialises in digital marketing.

Variety is the spice of life

It’s equally important to keep your content marketing varied. While e-shots, for example, may seem to be working well for you right now, there’s a whole world of content out there you could be tapping into.

Different types of people are attracted to different types of content. For example, visual people may love a bold infographic, while more verbal people may appreciate an entertaining podcast. Search Engine Watch suggests that you experiment with blog posts, webinars, physical books and videos to see what clicks.

By producing innovative content, you can create stronger relationships with your existing client base and pique the interest of new customers. It doesn’t have to involve hours of research or pilot schemes. Just put yourself in your customers’ shoes for a moment and ask yourself what you would like to see!

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