The Antiques Road Show How It Changed The World Of Antiques

Sunday evenings have always been a tradition in many UK homes, where the family settle down in front of the TV after enjoying a roast dinner and a lazy afternoon, relaxing and getting ready for the stresses of the work week ahead.

And a huge part of that early Sunday evening viewing on the BBC is of course the Antiques Roadshow. A program that is popular with many generations and ages, with viewers tuning in to not only learn more about antiques, but to play the Guess The Value game that millions of families play week in, week out thanks to the show.

From looking at things like antique crystal chandeliers (as you can see here ) through to finding that one painting that has sat in the attic for 30 years and is worth nearly a million pounds, the show has proved a massively diverse program that has appealed to many over the years. As presenters have come and gone, the loyal fan base that continue to watch this program have a love, a passion if you will, maybe not just for antiques but for finding those gems that whilst not massively valuable in terms of money, have a massive emotional attachment.

What started as a BBC documentary back in 1977, the Antiques Roadshow has grown from strength to strength, with around 40 series and nearly 770 episodes aired since the beginning, with famous presenters like Hugh Scully and Fiona Bruce and experts like Eric Knowles becoming faces that fans of the show simply loved having in their homes every Sunday, without fail. In fact, it was so popular that many other countries adopted the format, including Australia, Canada and Germany to name just a few.

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The show really has helped to bring the often-closed world of antiques to millions of people, encouraging them to not only learn more about antiques and collectables, but to also rummage around through lofts, attics and garages to see if they might be sat on something that is worth value. Of course, for most of us, the clock we have had in the family for 50 years is not worth anything, but you will always be on the lookout at car boots and auctions just in case you do spot something that you know is worth a few pounds, thanks to seeing something similar on TV.

The show has also helped new generations to be involved with antiques, which is important as the world is more and more digital than ever before, holding onto antiques and items of the past is something we simply must cherish.

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