Different Types of Marble Tiles

Marble Tiles have been around for thousands of years and have always been a popular choice for home and building construction. While marble can be used in almost any construction situation from wall to floor, you will see the most use on floors. Because it is such a tough, beautiful material, marble is often used as the main flooring material in homes where there is little traffic and little chance for damage to occur. There are many different types of marble available and you can choose to use any one of them to create the floor design you want. Companies such as Irwin Tiles can help you out with your marble tile requirements and talk you through the options that you have available.

Volvo excavator being used by JK Natural Mables to push a large marble block away from the bench650.jpg

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Installing –  Any flooring project will require some level of installation and can sometimes require updating or even replacing. In any marble tile floor installation, the underlying base needs to be level, clean, and strong enough to support all the weight of the installed marble tiles. Marble is a very dense natural stone and because of this it can be extremely hard to install but also very durable. Many people prefer to use marble because of these characteristics

A marble quarry being mined.

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Finishing –  Many people will either choose to finish the surface of their marble tiles, or to simply have the surface of them sealed so that dirt and stains are easily removed. Finishing marble tiles will either require sealing the entire file or just the grout between the tiles after they have been installed. Sealing will help protect the grout from staining and helping the tiles last longer.


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