Following are some tips for this holiday we stop in an exercise that can be performed anywhere where we are on holiday without having to use any device, just our body. It is the exercise known as the climber that will work on all lower body of our body, as well as help to activate metabolism considerable mannered.
As mentioned, the realization of this exercise we can perform anywhere, it simply will help us with our body to make it happen. Anyone can make the climber, except that we will vary the time of exercise. For example, a beginner can do three sets of 20 seconds and rest for three others. An intermediate person can make about 30 seconds in each series and advanced can reach 60 seconds of exercise.

Implementation and development of the climber
How to run the exercise will be simple, because we will place your hands on the ground, so that the arms are straight. Keep in mind that during exercise this will be an important point of support, as only the arms serve to hold us, will not act in the exercise, as will be the legs that are going to do. In this position, we try to keep your head forward, back straight.
The next step is the legs, which are the great stars of exercise. Post the fully stretched left back and right bent forward, so that the knee is as touching your chest. In this position what we will alternate the legs, ie, the left was stretched back, go forward bending the knee taking her to his chest, while the right will be stretched and so on. This is the movement that will carry out and by which we work.
Rhythm exercise and mistakes to avoid
It is important that we maintain a steady pace when doing the exercise. It is not advisable to force posture and much less raise too the back and we will achieve all the tension concentrates on the back, particularly in the lower back. It is therefore necessary that we focus on the movement and for this work with the muscles of the legs and the core in order to get a perfect realization of each movement.
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A complete muscle level
Please note that the muscles that will work during the execution of this exercise are mainly the glutenous maximus, quadriceps, the femoral biceps and calves. But we must not forget that when stabilizing throughout the exercise will intervene our stabilizers also known as trunk or core, which make up the entire abdominal wall. To this we must add its considerable energy performance, because it is a complete aerobic exercise that will help us to stay on vacation or can use it as a finishing touch to any workout routine.