Of course, there is no basic rule for improving communication in a family. Each family is a different world and has a unique language. However, there should be, as a way to improve communication, will, interest, and availability, by parents, so that this space is created and lived intensely, as much as possible. If what they want is a united family, the best way, the most successful way, is communication.
6 tips to encourage parent-child communication

1) Observe the type of communication you carry out with your child: Dedicate a few days of observation, free from trials and culpability. It works very well to connect a recorder in times of habitual conflict or family overload. It is a healthy exercise but, sometimes, conclusions difficult to accept when the harsh reality of performance exceeds all ideal predictions.
2) Listen actively and reflexively to each of your children’s interventions: Value to what extent they deserve priority over the task you are performing; in any case, our response must be correct enough not to belittle its need for communication.
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3) Pay attention to the requests of your children: If we cannot give the necessary attention at that time, reason with him a postponement of the communicative act for later. We can simply say: give me 10 minutes and I’ll be right back with you. Let us remember later to thank them for their patience and their waiting capacity.

4) Respond in different ways: Avoid using the same kind of answers in a systematic way so that our child does not think that we are always authoritarian, that we make him feel guilty, and that we take things away or give him sermons.
5) Leave the guilt aside: If parents have not been a role model for communicators, let us think that we can improve and adapt to a new form of communication that will revert to a good for our family, softening or even extinguishing many of the usual conflicts with the children.
6) Change or improve towards more open communication: It is advisable to set a test time, such as a week or a weekend, to assess whether it works or not and whether we should modify something else. Parents have very deep habits of behavior and change them requires effort, dedication and, above all, patience (with ourselves!).