Best Things About Summer Weddings

Summer weddings are very popular, so you might have entertained the idea of perhaps having a spring or winter one instead. No matter how romantic this idea may seem, you cannot deny the draw of the summer wedding. Here are some of the top reasons why the summer remains the most popular time of year to get hitched:

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Guest turnout

When you send invites out for a summer wedding, chances are you’ll get a higher guest turnout. Schools have broken up and workers are used to booking leave at this time of year anyway, so you’re more likely to catch people with time on their hands and who may even want to combine it with a holiday break in the area.

Better weather

While there is never a guarantee of this in the UK, the weather does tend to be more consistent and warmer in the summer. Yes, we can have some gorgeous spring and autumn weather, but summer offers the promise of a more consistently pleasant length of weather.

Outdoor options

Choosing a summer date gives you far more choice in where you get married. It makes it easier to incorporate the great outdoors into your celebrations. Whether you want to exchange vows in a garden, enjoy cocktails on the patio or play croquet on the lawn – this is much more easily achieved during the summer months. For a Kent Barn Wedding, go to

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More Flowers

There is a wider selection of flowers available between June and August than there is at other times of the year. If your choice of flowers is important to you, this could sway your decision on when to set the date.

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