Audi has a new head in the area of technological development.It’s called these days Stefan Knirsch and lays the foundation for what will be the strategy of the brand with the four rings in relation to thegroup to which itbelongs.In that regard, Knirsch has come to defendthe technology offuel cell hydrogen, despite the announced and next bet manufacturer with electric models.
Thus, Audi plans to launch, inparallel with its strategy with the electric car, an SUV with fuel cell hydrogen to give credibility to thestart of the legacyh-tron, after showing the way in the past Hall of Detroitwith theAudi Quattro Concept H-tron. The head of Audi suggests that this could come in 2018.

This means that the Germans still confident that this technology can be imposed in the future in the automotive industry.In thewords of Knirsch itself on the dilemma between what should be the path to follow, if electric or hydrogen, confesses that theydo not see everything in black and white.
In fact, the chieftechnology officer of Audi has tackled without defining too two of the major themes of hydrogen car: itspriceand its controversialenvironmental impact(fruit, as many already know, the means of obtaining hydrogen for automotive).The first not specify much, but notes that obviously will seek to attack the price of key materials such as platinum to getan affordable model.The latter, he says he is sure that in the future will be able to produce hydrogen cleanly.
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In the background, we can consider that Audi not only serves and serve asa technological spearhead for the fuel cell, but that vision of wanting tobet “all” (some criticize that inthe end that want copar many aspects of alternative mobility it terminate taking itstoll, and deep downyour bet will be “for nothing”) has led him in recent years to projects such as a pure electric with superior range of up to600 kilometers (NEDC cycle) that is materializing from prototypeAudi e-tron quattro concept, we discovered at theFrankfurt Motor Show 2015.
It also occurs with the number oflaboratoriesthat the company intended to develop different types of alternative fuels: thee-gas,e-diesel(or Blue Crude) and e-benzin.Aoremos may still not be giving him a practical credence to all these projects, and considered as doors for the future.We’ll see if it remedied in the coming years.