See the Hot Spots in Rome, Italy

Hot Spots in Rome,

The diversity and beauty of Rome has captivated the hearts and minds of tourists for centuries with romantic fountains and villas, beautiful scenery, world-class restaurants, quaint gelato carts, and designer shops fit for a king. You can enjoy Italian wines, great espresso bars, and late night music venues that never close.

Since there is so much to see and do in Rome, you should start each day early with Italian espresso and a delicious pastry, then plan to see and do as much as you can each day. To share your trip with postcards, find a Local Post Office.

The Colosseum

The Colosseum is the world’s largest amphitheater built for gladiator games where humans fought to the death to amuse the Emperor and the crowd of spectators who attended. This glorious stone and concrete architectural ruin is located in the center of Rome. Closely tied to the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope still leads a torch-lit procession each Good Friday that begins at the Colosseum.

The Pantheon

The Pantheon is one of Rome’s best preserved architectural monuments. It was built during the reign of Emperor Augustus as a temple to the Roman gods. It’s a circular building with a large portico that holds beautiful Corinthian columns, a rectangular vestibule, and a rotunda that sits under the world’s largest concrete dome.

The Forum

The Roman Forum is surrounded by ancient ruins of old Roman government buildings. The Forum was the city of Rome’s activities such as criminal trials, hearings, speeches and government business. Many of the oldest structures of Rome were located near the Forum, and many of the earliest shrines and temples were located on the southeastern edge of the block of buildings.

Piazzo Navona

Piazzo Navona is a beautiful place to visit at night. It’s a public place that’s full of life, music, art, food and people at all times of the day and evening. Enjoy a stroll here after a long day of sightseeing and unwind with a glass of Italian wine or late night espresso.

Campo di Fiori

Campo di Fiori is a public square where you can enjoy a morning of strolling through booths of vendors from local markets. Streets are lined with exciting things to buy like food, clothing, art and all kinds of artistic wares promoted by local artisans. It’s a wonderful place to relax and enjoy that morning espresso and some Italian fresh air.

Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain is the world’s largest Baroque fountain. It stands 86 feet high by 161 feet wide. As one of Rome’s most beautiful and famous fountains, it is surrounded by locals and visitors who come to throw a penny into the fountain for good luck. The fountain is lighted at night and represents a piece of Rome’s truly romantic places for lovers both young and old.

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