Beef burger with black garlic, the recipe to surprise on summer barbecues

Beef burger with black garlic

This black garlic beef burger is an authentic delight, since the typical flavors of black garlic and its aroma reminiscent of licorice, work very well in combination with the watercress and salad canons left at the base.

Unlike other gourmet burgers, in this we will not add cheese or tomato or more sauce than we do with black garlic, to not lose the essence or camouflage it with other flavors.


For 1 people
  • Minced beef (for each hamburger) 180 g
  • Black garlic cloves (one for the burger and one head for the sauce)
  • Canons a little hand
  • Watercress a bunch
  • Butter to toast bread
  • Liquid cream for cooking 250
  • Hamburger bread

Beef burger with black garlic

How to make beef burgers with garlic

Difficulty: Easy
  • Total time 20 m
  • Elaboration 10 m
  • Cooking10 m

Chop the clove of black garlic and mix it by hand with the meat of the hamburger, so that it is well distributed. Then we make a ball and crush it lightly with the palm of the hand, to make the shape of the hamburger without weighing it down. Let the hamburger rest at room temperature for 30 minutes.

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To make the sauce, boil the black garlic in liquid cream for 10 minutes and grind, pouring the sauce into a bottle. We toasted the bun of hamburger bread previously buttered.

We make the hamburger grilled or grilled, letting it cook for 3 minutes on each side. If you have the chance to make it on the grill, you will have a delicious smoked flavor that will go great.

We mount the hamburger by putting watercress and lamb’s lettuce on the toasted bread base and place the hamburger on it when it is at the desired point. We apply a generous layer of black garlic sauce on top and cover with the top of the hamburger bun. We serve immediately.

With what to accompany the recipe of beef burger with garlic

This black garlic beef burger recipe is tasty and has a flavor so intense that you will enjoy it without the need for more additives such as ketchup sauce, mustard or barbecue sauce. As a side dish, the perfect classic chips are the best accompaniment suggestion.

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