In search of a non-caloric substitute for sugar, we have at our disposal variety of alternatives, from different backgrounds, with different properties and effects on the body, so then we help you learnall about the different sweeteners found in the market.
Different sweeteners
Although the word sweetener includes anyone, sweeten food, today we dedicate specifically tonon-caloric sweetenersthat we usually use to save sugar calories without losing sweetness.

In general, these are the data you need to know about the most commonly used sweeteners market
ACESULFAME K | E-950 | 0 | 200 | fifteen | Artificial | Yes |
ASPARTAME | E-951 | or | 160-220 | fifty | Artificial | Do not |
CYCLAMATE | E-952 | 0 | 30 | 0 | Artificial | Yes |
NEOTAME | E-961 | 0 | 8000 | 0.3 | Artificial | Yes |
SODIUM SACHARINE | E-954 | 0 | 200-700 | 18 | Artificial | Yes |
SUCRALOSE | E-955 | 0 | 600 | 5 | Artificial | Yes |
ADVANTAME | E-969 | 0 | 20000 | 32.8 | Artificial | Yes |
STEVIA | E-960 | 0 | 300 | 4 | natural | Yes |
These are high intensity sweeteners as identified bytheFDAexceptcyclamate whose use isnot permitted by this body butis used under its rules, the ADI for this sweetener is 7 mg per kilo of weight day.
It isclear that allstable sweeteners heat can use themfor cooking, while those who cannot withstand high temperatures such as aspartame can bring a bitter taste or sweet preparation, therefore its use should only be to sweeten tea or cold but not baking or cooking dishes subdue.
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On theother hand,the nomenclature of each sweetener allow us toidentify its presence in processed foods, reading the list of ingredients on the labelof the product and from there, we will know whether we are consuming a sweetener.
Knowing all this data, you can opt for one or other of thedifferent sweeteners are in the marketto replace sugar in your daily diet.
More on sweeteners
Sweeteners remain today, questioned about their utility products, because althoughcould help remove caloriesandlose weightto use themto replace table sugar or other caloric sweeteners, there are alsostudiesthat indicate thatits use may produce hungrier.
We may also think that sweeteners are used to prevent increased blood glucose, however,the excessive consumption of saccharin, sucralose and aspartame was linked to increased risk of obesity and diabetes.However, we know thatthese results were found using the maximum levelspermitted by the above named sweeteners.
On theother hand, we must not forget that natural sweeteners likesteviamay have a very different effect on the body, and also findnatural sugar substitutesthat despite having a caloric intake similar to the latter can provide more nutrients and not just empty calories.
As we can see, there ismuch to know about thesweetenerand if you are looking for a good replacement forsugar, we recommend analyzing all the data given above in order to choose the most appropriate according to your tastes, needs and uses alternative.