It weighs just six kilos and leave the care of someone else breaks your soul. I know because a few years ago, I went through it and although never raised me to give up my ambitions and my career, the temptation to take some time off to enjoy my baby was too big.
But what is our society ready to get down labor wagon us for a while? Is it easy to take a break, a “kit-kat professional” to enjoy our kids and return after sometime as if nothing? Lets look at the situation and draw conclusions.
My first experience with taking a sabbatical to look after their own children had time through my friend Adela, eight years older than me and pioneer in my group of friends in this to get pregnant.

When, after the low minimum maternity, Adela returned to his post of account manager at a major advertising agency time, instead of meeting a warm reception she found a pink slip. And also with the possibility of staying a few more months at home with her baby just four and a half months.
Taking advantage of the time available and that never before had taken a break, my friend decided to get pregnant again and care for a short period of time the two kids together.
It was a mistake?
She says she has no regrets, but when two and a half years later decided to return to the labor market, finding a job was a challenge. Nobody wanted to hire that successful account manager, who had been top customers and collected prizes, who’s spoke was resolved, who had not ceased to be herself even for a single moment … But it had been two years and half out of the market. And that was unforgivable. At least in advertising.
It took more than ten years (more every effort and use all their contacts) to win back the position he deserved. Today is managing director of an advertising agency, your children are teenagers and can rededicate themselves to the profession he so adored without renouncing to be with them when they were younger.
But … it would have cost both become policy if it had not been a few years out? And more: is it an exception that a woman who has taken extra time to care for their children get so high?
What the numbers say?
According to data collected by the National Institute of Statistics we broke records in having increasingly older children are the country most delayed motherhood (30.6 years), only wins us Italy, and it seems that the situation is paints reversed.
In some ways has an explanation: women study as much or more than men (54% women in college) and mass access to work, but when the time comes to consider motherhood, equality disappears.
In a country where it is normal that the days may be long as gum, has pauses two hours to eat, meetings begin at six in the afternoon and the heat the chair still is the way to make merit is normal that every time suffocate many women trying to get to everything and doing a handstand bridge to reconcile (women spend 173 minutes a day in front of 77 of them).
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From six months of babys birth, only 50% of mothers returning to their full-time jobs, compared with 90% of parents. The part – time and part-time success among women, but not in them. You are pay expensive these options when you want to return months or years later?
But what catch your sabbatical? The maternity leave is completely legal and any woman can apply very easily if it considers. But even in such advanced countries as Norway, the best place in the world to be a mother say, is paid inequality being a mother when it becomes the job market.
According to the data, in this country work focuses on women 69% in the public sector. If we look for example the number of engineers working, only 12% are women, compared with 97% of teachers in kindergartens and schools. 43% also have part – time employment compared with 13% of men. You can say that when women have children start working part time while he begins to spend more hours at work.
Just a few days ago it published a report with data confirms that women, in the XXI century still charging up to 14.9% less than men. In other words we have to work 54 days a year to collect the same as our peers.
According to this study, in the age group of 25 to 34 years the annual average wage difference between men and women is 15%. This percentage doubles to reach 30% in above 45 years of age.
According to the study, this double discrimination, both within and outside of work (because they are also those made by the highest percentage of housework and childcare), is one of the main reasons why women they are those who suffer more stress and insomnia.
Is it coincidence or the consequences of our right to ask us to pay unpaid leave or part-time?
For experts on the wage gap between men and women has two readings and one of them comes to explain that women work fewer hours than men and therefore charge less, but why they work is less load – bearing stronger domestic organization and care of children. So preys job insecurity, we suffer more unemployment, lower wages and have less chance of being promoted to managerial positions.
Does our best ally? Companies that opt for conciliation
Maybe it’s a matter of time, to keep fighting for that much – desired equality and not to surrender to reconciliation is real.