To create bonds of family unity, communication is essential. Parents and children should create confidence pillars to ensure stability at home, it is important that there is harmony among all members, from the smallest to the most adult integrating the family business.
Respect for family members, begins to form from small, our children must begin to acquire that knowledge so that they can get used to get along and support your family.

Tips to keep a family together
Lets start with an example of respect and family harmony. As parents we have a responsibility to set an example to our children, showing to live with respect and harmony brings benefits the whole family.
Maintaining a fluid without secret family communication. While there may be crisis in family relationships, it is important not involve communication to support, confidence and support for children in the growth stages of his life. In this way, children will know that they have their parents at any time of adversity.
Perform group activities family is important to live in family, organize lunches, dinners, travel, sports, cultural outings, etc. with the purpose of sharing and closer ties.
Be equitable and fair in dealing with our children. There should be no favoritism, especially when something happened that affects the health of one of the family members or behavior, the issue must be addressed in the family and not separate the problem.
Promote the values of group solidarity. It is important that each member of the family feel to be part of a team that looks after the welfare of all.
You may also like to read another article on xWorld: The benefits of growing up in a healthy family noticeable in adulthood
We believe our own traditions, having things in common together. It is recommended that each family has its own customs. Eat together every Saturday, visiting grandparents Sunday, or play cards every night are habits that promote family togetherness.
Time to record scrapbooks where daily activities are displayed and memorable moments close family ties.
Moments to unite the family
There is no exact time to join the family, but a good time could be an occasion where all family members are present; during one of the meals; or a weekend in which we almost always meet every spend a nice Sunday.
These meetings can help to solve some family problems, it is common among members of a family from time to time there are certain differences, it is a time when all family members can iron out their rough edges and strengthen their family ties.