The Empty Nest Syndrome don’t despair having your teenage children leave home isn’t the end

Having tenderly raised your children from new-born babies, cared for them and nurtured them through their toddler stage, onto primary and then secondary schools it’s no wonder some parents experience the Empty Nest Syndrome when their teenagers go off to college!   This relatively new condition manifests itself once the teenagers have left home and gone off to college.  The parents left at home despair that they are no longer needed in their children’s lives and their useful parental responsibilities are at an end.  This, however, need not be the case at all, it could be just the beginning of a new and exciting era of enjoying adult time with your partner. Embrace the moment you children go off to college or University, help them pack up all their books, clothes, toiletries and personal items from their rooms and arrange to hire a vehicle from a Van Hire Bristol company such as

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Drive with them to their new halls of residence and help them unpack so that you can meet their fellow students and help them negotiate the many corridors and lecture halls of their new University.  Once they are settled you can arrange to call them on a weekly basis to chat through how they are getting on and arrange any supplies of food or clean clothing to be parcelled up and delivered. Now it’s your time, go home and enjoy the peace and quiet, plan holidays, visit friends and family or take up a new hobby that you’ve been wanting to try for a long time. Maybe you and your partner have always wanted to learn to dance the jive, well now is the perfect opportunity to give it a go.

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You can easily keep in touch with your college children but don’t mourn their going, embrace your newfound freedom and all the extra time you now have.  No longer ferrying your children around like a private taxi company or constantly nagging at them to tidy their rooms or bring through dirty washing.  Your time is now your own, you and your partner have worked hard and sacrificed holidays, new cars and a bigger home to give your children all the advantages love, and money could give them. Don’t feel sad or go through the “Empty Nest Syndrome” , celebrate and begin a new exciting chapter in your lives.


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