Learn these easy tips to avoid impulse purchases, especially for the Christmas season or on special dates.
Tips to avoid impulse purchases
As Christmas approaches, family gatherings and spending threaten our finances, but you can learn to avoid impulse purchases to start the New Year with retained savings or for any special occasion schedule to test us. Do not let your tickets go on Santa’s sleigh, and optimizes each purchase to win peace.

The plan to avoid impulse purchases
Begins as soon as possible to schedule your end of the year, using pencil and paper (or computer, which will be more practical). What points do at night family reunion or friends, you plan the menu, the people you want to give away for Christmas Eve. When you have your good list, take up the task of finding recipes, browse the Internet or tour showcases to know exactly what you should buy. Notes making your list of what you set out.
Sign up for mailing lists to receive in your inbox each day offers in the stores in your city. Since you know what you’ll need, you can now also know when to buy each item, using the most profitable and best discounts and payment plans for each site.
Avoid impulse purchases in stores
Although we make lists and plan, to avoid compulsive shopping it is a task that we must make a conscience when we’re standing there in front of the gondola that looks all these goodies, trinkets and things that do not really need. That’s when you have the strength to remember your finances and your strategic design for the end of the year and for no reason put stuff in your shopping cart.
If you think it’s a good idea for a Christmas present, then take your gift list and verify that you have not bought anything for that person. Think of the receiver before wasting your money on something that you find interesting, but the other person could be considered completely useless.
Children are often real threats to the budget for the purchase, as they are easily seduced by all kinds of goods, treats and toys. Especially when you shop Year’s Eve, prefer to go on your own, at a time when you’re well rested / a, without hunger and mostly without trouble: it’s better to linger more in store, you end up buying all a hurry (and in general: making mistakes).
Moreover, not walking around the market, walk the aisles with your list in hand, and charge only what you need and agree to purchase at that time. If you are a walk or if you get bored in the market will be more difficult to avoid compulsive shopping … and this often happens when you’re the one who will “escort” and not as head of the list.
Try to make your year-end purchases in cash. When you do with credit cards, it is generally more difficult to calculate the real cost of money, and can tempt us with higher fees and expenses than we had calculated to leave. Buy cash will help you avoid impulse purchases at the end of this year, and throughout the year, because if you have limited money cannot carry more than necessary.
Finally, remember before you get to the cash register ask if you need it, or if you want, to define who will be targeted, when they will use, and whether it should buy elsewhere or occasion. You’ll be able to save and avoid impulse purchases to great effect.