Vacation Location Matters

There is an old real estate adage stating that what matters most is location, location, location. The principle applies to vacations as well, which is part of what makes rv camping kemah tx an ideal option for many people. Your trip may take you close to home or across the country but it should feel like a wondrous new world.

Close to Attractions

If everyone in your group agrees on what activities to do and which sights to see, you will have few problems selecting a locale. However, few families work that way so most people need to balance various interests and keep pace with differing energy levels. Flexibility is key; allow each member to choose the activities for one day then make a point to alternate slower-paced relaxing days with more exciting action-packed ones. Once the schedule is set, use your locale as a home base from which you can branch out in any direction.


Paying for full-price airfare, luxury hotels, activities and three meals a day adds up quickly. For most people, choosing two or three splurges and spending modestly in other areas is a good compromise. If you detest narrow airline seats spring for first-class fares or take a road trip. Foodies want to eat at all the best restaurants and don’t mind spending time between meals doing free things like people watching and window shopping. You may prefer to spend more money on activities and sleep at less expensive lodgings. Prioritize before you go and vacation with no regrets.


There is often apprehension associated with unfamiliar surroundings but do what you can to make your family comfortable. Prepare for the weather by packing appropriate clothes and gear. Remember there is no bad weather, just bad outfits. Last, download a white noise app on your phone if you are sensitive to changing noise levels. Most reviewers don’t mention how loud or quiet a place is but you will enjoy everything more after a good night’s sleep.

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