When it’s cold there’s nothing better than a good hot chocolate. The history of this drink is truly fascinating and allows us to take a tour around the world. The chocolate hot leads to Mexico via Ecuador, the Netherlands and Jamaica countries. If you like chocolate and traveling, do not miss the “hot chocolate route”.
Gastronomy has become an incentive for travelers from all over the world. If you like chocolate (and travel) you will love this tour of the world to discover the origin of hot chocolate.
Hot chocolate is a winter drink, and although it does not look like it is taken in many parts of the world. Liquid chocolate (and hot) can be prepared in many ways and without a doubt, its history is fascinating. Do not miss this tourist route to discover all the secrets of hot chocolate.

It is said that the Mayans were the inventors of hot chocolate. Of course, his recipe was much more spicy and had a bitter taste compared to what we take today. Chocolate also has its origin in another ancient civilization of South America: the Incas. This town left this sweet legacy in Ecuador. In some areas of the country hot chocolate is served with cheese on top.

Hot chocolate was the fashionable drink among the Spanish aristocracy at the beginning of the 17th century. Currently, his popularity is still valid. In our country there are still many people who have breakfast or snack chocolate to the very thick cup and accompanied by some good churros or batons. A tradition that we should not lose.
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From 1892, cocoa powder began to be mass produced in the Netherlands. It was at that moment when it began to transform into solid to give place to the first chocolate tablets. The Dutch like chocolate a lot in all its variants. We advise you to enter some “chocolab” and take a chocolademelk (chocolate to the cup).

The next stop on the route is Jamaica. Hot chocolate soon spread throughout Europe after the discovery of America. However, in Jamaica they also made chocolate. In the late seventeenth century, Hans Sloane was in the country and was fascinated by the method used in the Caribbean Islands to make hot chocolate. The mixture consisted of pure cocoa with hot water, although Hans added hot milk to present it to the aristocracy of England.
By 1797, the hot chocolate that came from Jamaica had gained a great reputation and was known as “the drink of the gods”.

Hot chocolate is taken in many forms in Mexico. It is usually sold in round pieces or in the shape of a diamond. These pieces of solid chocolate dissolve in warm cream, milk or water and mix well before sprinkling with more chocolate, cinnamon, vanilla, clouds or chili.
What do you think of this tour of the world to discover the history of hot chocolate?