What is a pneumatic conveyor used for?

Pneumatic conveyors are the lifeblood of material storage and movement in factories and warehouses. In many cases, as they criss-cross the facility, they resemble an operation’s arterial system. So what are they used to convey, and why?  The company https://www.aptech.uk.com/pneumatic-conveying-systems/vacuum-conveying are one of the premium suppliers of Pneumatic conveying, and you can see some examples of the work at the website above.

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Without the use of pneumatic conveying, most items in factories, production units and warehouses would need to be moved by hand or by less safe means. The vacuum conveyor is an enclosed system that can shift vast amounts of product quickly and safely without any real effort. For example, in the case of animal feed suppliers, the pellets can be shot at great speed, in controlled bursts and amount to any part of the building for processing or delivery. This would take a considerable amount of labour otherwise.

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Not all vacuum conveyors work on a high-speed basis. Some are designed to move large “packets” of product and for products that cannot stand being moved at great speed. However, fragile items that would break at the high speed conveyor systems are made considerably more straightforward to move rather than via manual shifting.

In short, a vacuum conveying system can reduce time and effort by a vast margin and make sure that employees are not exposed to the material, especially if they are hazardous ones.

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