Tips for Starting a Crowdfunded Business

Business Plan

With the success of countless projects on sites like Kickstarter and GoFundMe, it’s only natural that people would be interested in starting their own crowdfunded small businesses. Of course, for every successful project on sites like these, there are also just as many failures that never really get off the ground. If you want to avoid your own project facing a similar fate, then you’ll want to be sure to read on. This guide will specifically look at a few key tips to starting a successful crowdfunded business.

Focus on Logistics

Depending on the nature of your project, you’ll want to make sure that you have the logistics for your product figured out ahead of time. Crowdfunding is a complex process, and it can be difficult to keep track of which products are going where after a project is completed. This is especially true if you offer people multiple tiers for similar products. If you don’t want to waste time and money sending the wrong products to the wrong people, then you’ll want to make sure you develop a solid delivery plan ahead of time. Luckily, there are plenty of online services that are geared towards this specific issue, and partial flatbed shipping specialists can also help to ensure that your products move around the country within a reasonable time frame.

Don’t Be Camera Shy

If you want your project to really take off, then you’ll need to develop some kind of video to go on the front page of your project. Regardless of which site you decide to seek funding from, projects are always much more successful when they have some kind of video attached to them. Even if you’re someone who is normally camera shy, you’ll need to find a way to convey the heart of your project in a small video that is only a handful of minutes long. It might be stressful, but it will pay off considerably in the long run.

Don’t Overestimate Your Success

When setting up investment tiers and developing the basic pitch of your project, it’s natural to want to try and include as much as possible, in order to attract different tastes. In reality though, it’s better to simply promise the basic level of your project, and then add any other complexities through stretch goals, or possibly even future projects.

Crowdfunding can be an exhilarating experience, but no one wants to see all of their hard work amount to nothing. Hopefully, by following this guide, you’ll be able to find success in your respective field and attract all of the investors you need for your project to really take off.

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