Taking a Close Look at Insomnia

A common sleep disorder, insomnia makes it difficult for people to fall asleep, cause them to wake up early and not be able to sleep again or make it hard to stay asleep. The problem is that this disorder saps all your energy levels and makes you feel tired when you wake up. It can have negative impacts on your health, mood, work performance and overall quality of life. Short-term or acute insomnia tends to occur because of a traumatic event or stress and lasts for several days or weeks. Chronic insomnia, on the other hand, can last for a long time. Taking a close look at insomnia is essential to be able to understand it properly.


Most people report similar symptoms of insomnia such as difficulty in focusing, paying attention or remembering things, not being able to sleep at night, waking up too early or during the night, sleepiness and tiredness during daytime, not feeling fresh and well-rested even after sleep, constant worries about sleep, increased accidents or errors and depression, anxiety or irritability. You need to go see a doctor if functioning during the day becomes immensely difficult due to the after-effects of insomnia.


It is possible for insomnia to be the primary issue or it can also be associated with other conditions. Chronic insomnia is often reported due to poor sleeping habits, tough work or travel schedule, stress or late eating in the evening. Some medical conditions, medications, sleep-related disorders, mental health disorders and dietary items like alcohol or coffee can also interfere with sleep. It is also said that insomnia can occur if you make changes in your activities or sleeping pattern or even if there is a change in your health.


If you are having trouble sleeping, it is best to get your insomnia properly diagnosed by a professional. This will usually involve a physical exam for signs of medical problems. Likewise, a doctor will also review your sleeping habits by asking you questions or giving you a questionnaire to answer as this can identify your sleep-wake pattern. If your insomnia remains unclear even then, then a sleep study is performed, which involves spending a night at a sleep center to be monitored. This is to figure out if you suffer from problems like restless leg syndrome or sleep apnea.


Addressing the issues that cause insomnia like medical conditions, medications and stress can help in restoring sleep. You can also change your sleeping habits. You can also take prescription medications or over-the counter aids for dealing with insomnia. One such option includes taking Etizolam, which relaxes you and calms you down. It is highly effective for dealing with insomnia and anxiety. You can also experiment with alternative medicine such as yoga, meditation, acupuncture and tai-chi for soothing your body and relieving stress. Furthermore, stimulus control therapy, which involves the removal of factors that push your mind to resist sleep and cognitive behavioral therapy can also be very helpful just like sleep restriction and light therapy.

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