Rich Snippets: How To Build Strategy For Video SEO?

Rich snippets are on page markup providing extra bit information which appears in the search results. The extra flavor differentiates you from the plain old text. Is it really necessary? Do you want to stand out in the Search Results? If yes, rich snippets are the great source to make your content get noticed.

Why Do I Care About Rich Snippets?

If there are numerous search results so there is a need to draw attention towards useful information from the one which appears on the screen. Regular snippets provides information to be displayed under the blue hyperlinks on search result page. According to Webmaster Tools, rich snippets shows the summary of content and also emphasizes why it is relevant to click on. Rich snippets are ranked higher than without listing. Look at the results for the term Media Marketing. Which result would you likely to click? Yes, one with the smile on a face.

Rich Snippets: How To Build Strategy For Video SEO?

Google includes variety of rich snippets such as music information, restaurants, business organizations, people and authors on a day to day basis depending upon the need.

How To Implement Rich Snippet?

The steps to implement a rich snippet are:

1. You need to pick a markup format which may include micro data, microformat, RDF.

2. Markup the content using HTML tags

3.Testyour rich snippet markup through the link

4. When Google finds new markup on the site, it will begin reading the tags and displays rich snippets for your site.

What is Video SEO Strategy?

Typically, SEO strategy involves creation of video in order to achieve objectives:

Improve conversions
Increase brand awareness through inbound channels
Increase brand awareness through paid advertising
Whenever you create any video, you need to understand that what you will achieve and whether the content is precious and usable? There might be cases when you want a certain video to be seriously unlisted, and you dont want to get it appeared in an organic search.

Goals for Video SEO

There are possible goals for Video SEO such as creating rich snippets, improving conversion rate as well as improving brand awareness.

Video Rich Snippet: A video rich Snippet is a small tiny video which shows up next to result to let the user gain information in a better manner. Here, the searcher does not need to specify whether they want video or not but it would be surely a great way to stand out for the things.

Conversion Rate: These videos take into account the target audience to bridge the gap between an interest to conversion. These videos revolve around likely questions and concerns of the interested party.

Brand Awareness: These videos helps to improve brand awareness as it shows the information about a company either through filming the employees or explain the concept of the brand. If your goal is to get more exposure and get the name that would help to maximize the popularity of social media, you should focus on YouTube. A video should be designed to improve brand awareness through creative stories that help to promote core message of the brand.

Ranking Factors for Video Snippets

You need to know some of the important ranking factors which are taken into consideration as given below:

Write Video Descriptions: Remember that YouTube and Google heavily rely on the text that surrounds the video to explain the concept.

Optimize Video Keywords: The Video Keywords tends to display results on Googles first page. For example, If a user enters any keyword cute cats then it will show the search result as shown below. So, the video helps someone who does not want to read an article about cats but want to view them playing, eating and sleeping.

Rich Snippets: How To Build Strategy For Video SEO?

Get Video From Online Communities: You need to connect to Online communities, e.g., such as Quora and LinkedIn groups who shares helpful videos with high quality.

Encourage Subscribing and Linking: If the user likes the video then you need to prompt the user to subscribe the video. As likes are not crucial but still, figures count a lot.

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