3 things your website may be missing

Your website should be much more than just an online brochure for advertising your products and services. It acts as a portal of information where customers can learn more about your company, and an anchor for all of your advertising efforts. Here are three things your website may be missing

Fresh Content

After months of going back and forth with your web designer, making decisions about your site structure and writing (and re-writing!) content, your website is finally up and running for the world to see. Time to draw a line under it and get started with the next project, right?

Wrong. A lot of work has gone into producing your fabulous new website, but it shouldnt stop there. Keeping your website fresh is a key factor in attracting new customers, and its also important for SEO.

Therefore its important to make sure your website always accurately reflects your business and provides useful information about the products/services you offer. If youve recently moved premises, or changed your phone number, that information obviously needs to be updated too.

An easy way to get fresh content up onto your website, without having to make changes to its core pages, is to start a blog even if youve only got time to post once or twice a fortnight. It may sound like a lot of extra work, but your blog posts only need to be between 300-500 words long – if youre not sure what to talk about, here are 50 great ideas to get you started.

Mobile Friendly Design

When was the last time you fired up your desktop computer to do a simple Google search? 2005?

With mobile and tablet Internet usage on the rise, like most other people, youre probably more likely to use your smartphone or tablet to buy things online, keep in touch with family and friends, share pictures and browse the search engines.

With that in mind, its important to ensure your website is fully equipped to deal with mobile users. That means there should be no content (text, images, videos) hanging off the side of the screen, and your site visitors shouldnt need to pan or zoom to navigate around your website either.

Equally as important, Google and the other search engines are now using mobile-friendliness as a ranking factor (along with site speed, and hundreds of other signals). That means if your website is not mobile friendly, you could be missing out on traffic to your site.

Check out Googles official guide to mobile friendly websites here.

Email Marketing Sign-Up

Email marketing is great for communicating with your current customers, re-engaging with people you used to work with, and attracting new potential clients. But before you can do all of those things, you need to build a list of contacts. So, add a sign up form to your website, and wait for the submissions to roll in

For more information, contact a local web design agency, such as MA Design (web design Cheltenham).

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