Protecting Your Business Against Fire

A fire at your business can be devastating. Not only does it cause damage to the building, but you may lose merchandise, expensive equipment and client records. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to protect your business from fire.

1. Install a Commercial Grade Fire System

Many companies specializing in fire protection services Orange County CA can install or upgrade fire systems in your building. This includes foam suppressions systems, sprinklers and alarms. These systems are vital because they are the first wave of protection in the event of a fire. Not only do the alarms warn you, your employees and customers of a fire, but the sprinklers activate automatically to help stop the spread of fire before the fire department arrives.

2. Keep Exit Routes Marked and Accessible

Another way to protect your employees and customers is by ensuring they have easy access out of a building if it’s on fire. Most facilities are required to have at least two exits in case of an emergency. While customers routinely use the front doors, you may be the only one who knows about the other one. It’s necessary to have this exit marked so others know about an alternative way out should the need arise. It’s also essential to ensure that all doors are easy to access and equipment or storage supplies don’t block the entrance.

3. Store Combustibles Safely

If your business uses paints, cardboard or other flammable materials, you must store these items appropriately.  You should never store these materials in exit rooms, areas with numerous electronics or share space with boilers. If you must use materials like alcohol or fuel, keep that material outside and away from the building. These chemicals ignite easily and can spread a fire quickly, making escape very difficult.

Protect your business from fire by following the above suggestions. A little preparation is all it takes to keep your building, merchandise and customers safe.

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