Tips for preparing your walls for decorating

Decorating your home is an incredibly exciting time as you get to show your personality through the decoration choices that you make. In new build homes you are usually fortunate enough to have smooth surfaces to paint on, although sometimes this is not the case. In older properties you might need to use a Plasterers Gloucester way such as to even out the surface of your walls before you can paint or put wallpaper on them.

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There are a number of stages that you need to undertake in order to get the perfect decorated wall.

You should always ensure that you remove any previous wallpaper from the wall before you add new on top. This is because the more layers of wallpaper that are on the wall, the more likely that some of the paper won’t adhere to the surface. There are some cases where you might want to consider painting over the top of wallpaper but you need to check that the wallpaper will not shrink when the paint dries fully. Also any wallpaper that has a strong pattern or colour, may still show through the paint after you have finished. Trying a test area is always a good idea so you can see how much paint you might need, if you have to go over it a number of times.

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Next you need to make sure that your walls are clean and that there is no grease, oil or other sticky substances on the surface. When you wallpaper a wall this oil can cause problems with the paste sticking to the wall and when painting you might find that the grease shows through the paint. This could simply be the natural oils and grease that comes from our hands.

Now you can think about checking the plaster for any signs of damage or cracks and work with a company like the one mentioned above to repair these before you start painting. If you have small holes in the wall from picture hooks you can use filler to go over these and then gently sand the surface before you take out your paint brush or roller.

You are now at the stage where you can start wallpapering or painting your walls. Make sure that you have all the equipment that you need to hand and if you are painting that you cover your furniture and floor and run masking tape along the skirting boards and around the door frames and light switches and electric sockets. This will help you to keep straight lines and to keep the paint off these surfaces. If you do spill paint, make sure that you clean it off quickly, before it dries.

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