Emotions learn to manage them in the pair

The X-factor that can make the breakthrough super positive your report is self-control. Not only to curb rabies shots that could make you fight, but also not affect the man you love with your states of excessive mood: for example, showing too much enthusiasm for your success while he is going through a difficult time. On the other hand, ruining hot moments to talk about work. If you learn to communicate well the emotions, do wheelies dialogue.

If you are sad or disappointed

You are a little tired, but mostly disappointed. You have worked so hard and were expecting great results but have not arrived. In office and promotion contract or a series of negative events have made you temporarily lose confidence in the future. Try to understand what might help you feel better, to pull, to regain energy. To receive the attention and support, you have to arouse empathy. Introduce yourself in a negative way the situation worse, because it creates discomfort, embarrassment and anxiety in those who have before. Then up and dressed well even if you have the mood in the heels: your partner (but also your boss and colleagues) will be more inclined to listen to you.

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If you’re happy

You are over the moon because you just found the house of your dreams or you donated a weekend with friends, while your boyfriend is having a periodical. You better handled very carefully your enthusiasm, because it might result in his envy and even to provoke friction. This is confirmed by research conducted at the University of Deakin, Australia: the happiness gap, i.e. the difference between the strong position to him and to her satisfaction, it can foster tensions and misunderstandings. How to set yourself then, when you feel a contentment hurricane? Use the euphoria that characterizes you at this time to be proactive with your man and give a jolt of positive energy to your relationship. If the fruits of your success are con divisible, express yourself in the plural, saying for example your partner.

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If you’re angry

Happy couples are not those who never fight, but those who know how to manage anger. How not to be mounted on a rampage when you think you’ve been wronged? Try to get the first direct comparison and get there with clearer mind. For example, if you already know that you discuss when you tend to say things that you regret later, before you blurt out with your boyfriend, call a friend and tell her the phrases you’d like to throw arrows against. When you meet, as you can annoy, the tone of the conversation, emphasizing the points on which both agree. Do not treat it as if it were your worst enemy: a study by University of Utah reveals that women, when they discuss with their partner, they tend to take very hostile attitudes. But enter the war mood does not help: think I’m discussing something to improve the relationship.

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