An introduction to black tea

Black tea is arguably the cornerstone of tea culture – a favourite throughout history and across the world. If that sounds intimidating, it shouldn’t be. It’s just tea! To help acquaint you with the rich and robust classic, we’ve put together this article.

What is black tea?

Like most teas, the distinct flavour of black tea is derived from the leaves of a specific plant – in this instance, the Camellia sinensis. The leaves of this plant are oxidised, giving the tea its distinctly dark colour and taste, although it can also be sweet and floral, depending on both the variety and origin of the plant.


Also, like most of the tea we drink, it wasn’t initially grown domestically. Black tea’s roots can be traced all the way to ancient China, where it was originally used for long journeys. It eventually earned global recognition and now sits comfortably in the traditions of other countries, especially Britain.

Health Benefits

Black tea boasts an array of antioxidants and natural compounds, perfect for boosting your heart’s health, your immune system, and even making your focus sharper. The caffeine content is moderate, meaning it’ll perk you up without having you bouncing off the walls.


Black tea can be a fine drink on its own, but it’s best served with a meal, especially afternoon tea. Scones, sandwiches and pastries can all be washed down with a good cup of black tea. You can even order afternoon tea boxes, such as the ones from, to spice up your office meals.


It’s not a field of theory and research you can study at university, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try new things with black tea. Experiment not only with the pairings – whatever meal or snack it can go best with – but also with the brewing process.

An Assam to give you your morning rush or a Darjeeling to unwind after a stressful day – there’s a black tea for every occasion. Each cup offers a different taste and a different story. You just need to discover them.

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