Breaking into politics is a lot like breaking into show business. You need a little bit of luck and know the right people. In many cases, some political careers are longer than others. Building a strong, political resume requires many years of hard work in order to stay in the industry. Take a look at some of the ways that you can form a career that can span for decades.
Focus Your Education
Many politicians, such as Mike Crapo, have several college degrees. You might pursue both undergraduate and graduate degrees that correspond to the political arena. Political science, sociology and other subjects are closely related to public service. Focus your education to these areas so that you have a solid base to serve your constituents. Winning any political seat means that you’re leading a group of people to a better quality of life. Your education level is an important part of your political resume.
Gain Some Professional Experience
In most cases, you won’t graduate college and immediately enter the political world. It’s always a good idea to get some experience in the working world. You’ll be able to understand your constituents better when you’re experiencing the real life. Many aspiring politicians work in service positions, such as Crapo being a lawyer. Although this work is professionally driven, it’s still a position where you can help others with your knowledge. Many successful politicians start out as lawyers, and they remain humble through the years as a result.
Don’t expect to run for President of the United States after college and working for a few years. Smart politicians gain some footing in the industry by starting out with regional work. They might run for mayor, then they can look toward a governorship afterward. A Congressional seat might be the next goal too. Each seat that you hold will only give you valuable experience that cannot be found in textbooks. You’ll also gain the trust of your constituents as your work for them grows in size.
Show Up to Work
Part of being a politician is voting for laws and researching the best bills for your region. Constituents can look up voting records for a particular politician. If you don’t show up for work, voters will immediately know that you didn’t participate in the voting process. You could miss out on key votes in the future when you don’t take the position seriously. Be proactive as a politician, and consider each vote to be an important one.
Expand Your Horizons
Joining committees is a critical part of giving back to your constituents. These committees form because a certain need must be met, such as financial security. Meet with others during these committees, and work hard with other passionate politicians. You may be able to pass some legislation that’s truly groundbreaking. Ideally, choose several committees that are close to your heart, but don’t spread yourself too thin. You want to participate on a regular basis. Too many commitments will overwhelm even the most ambitious politician.
Being a positive person in politics is often a rarity, but it can be achieved when you’re loyal to your beliefs and constituents. Vote your conscious, and run honest campaigns. With these two strategies in play, you’ll be a strong candidate in any voter’s mind.