Take advantage of the holidays to send something special to your customers, help you stay in your mind the rest of the year.
The winter holiday season is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to strengthen relationships with major customers, colleagues and media. A small token of appreciation in the form of a year-end gift can help keep your business in the minds of people. Gifts do not have to be expensive or elaborate. Remember, it’s the thought that counts.

The present all-time favorites were the baskets with gourmet chocolates and nuts, wine bottles and gift cards. But there are many other options. And to stand out from the crowd and surprise your customers, we share some tips for your gifts…
- Avoid taboo gifts: The gifts year-end customers must be professional. Present as perfumes and red roses can be misinterpreted. Joke gifts are not appropriate; you might think it’s humorous, but your client may find it insulting.
- Customize the gift: Opt for gifts that reflect the interests of your clients. Unique gifts will help you stand out. If you have a good report of your customers, you may have an idea of what their interests and hobbies beyond work. If you have a client that plays golf every weekend, send a pair of custom shirts. Or if your client is passionate about coffee, give her a variety of tasty and difficult to find cafes.
- Give an experience: Some of the best gifts are those that can be used with family and friends. Tickets to a sporting events play or concert can give your client a well deserved rest.
- Donate to charity: If you have a customer who seems to have everything, make a donation to a charity in their name. Send a handwritten and includes the donation information card.
- Make your gift is usable: There are few gifts that are truly appreciated. A pen, a notebook or a card holder would be very grateful for a professional or entrepreneur. Business books or the area of interest are also a good choice.
- Purchase the group: If you work with several people from the same company, buy a gift for the whole office. A huge basket with a variety of tasty foods that can be shared among all members will help to generate new connections. Also, this option is cheaper than buying individual gifts.
- Add handwritten notes: The note you include in your gift is as important as the gift itself. If you have printed cards, adds a faster with your letter wishing everyone happy holidays message This only takes a moment and the receiver will appreciate your attention to detail.
- Send the gift in advance: Make sure the gifts are received before 20 December, as some offices close from that date. That means that you should send the command at least the first week of the month.
What is the best gift you have received from a business colleague?