New Orleans to Host Adhesive and Sealant Council Spring 2016 Convention

This month New Orleans is set to play host to the annual Spring Convention and Expo held by the Adhesive and Sealant Council.

New Orleans to Host Adhesive and Sealant Council Spring 2016 Convention

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Starting on April 18, this event will see leading lights of the industry descend upon the Hilton New Orleans Riverfront in order to discuss the most important matters of the day, covering everything from silicone sealants and other products to the business innovations that are helping firms to thrive.

On Show

The Expo portion of the event is scheduled to commence on April 19th and over 70 organisations are registered to exhibit products and services so that attendees can keep up with cutting edge developments and also network with other insiders.

Throughout the day there will be opportunities to schedule meetings and forge relationships, with organisers choosing to ensure that there is ample time for delegates to socialise and make arrangements which will be beneficial for the companies that they represent.

Educational Opportunities

Networking is not the sole purpose of the convention, as there will also be a range of talks and seminars featuring discussions amongst panels of experts, as well as straightforward lectures that will cover topics such as trend analysis, regulations and the impacts of adhesives use in IT.

In short this will provide the perfect opportunity for attendees to learn more about parts of the industry with which they may not yet be familiar. There will even be an entire course dedicated to dissecting the ways in which hot-melt adhesives behave and how they can be combined with base polymers to provide practical advantages.

Speaking Engagements

The ASC Spring Convention and Expo will get off to a good start thanks to an opening keynote speech from ClearView Economics president Ken Mayland, which looks set to cover the state of play in the marketplace today while also providing predictions about the future and how businesses like will be impacted in the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election.

Speeches from Shelton Group chief exec Suzanne Shelton, ExxonMobils William Landuyt and Blaige & Co chairman Thomas Blaige are also lined up throughout the duration of the three day event, providing attendees with a rich seam of expertise to mine as they enjoy all this in the laid back setting of New Orleans.

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