Benefits of Working With a Public Adjuster

Filing an insurance claim can be an overwhelming and frustrating process, but it has to be done in certain situations. When it does, having a public adjuster on your side can provide the following benefits.


Insurance comes with many terms that can be difficult to understand, and it can make it difficult for you to know what you’re entitled to. Companies like Graystone Adjusting understand the insurance policy language, so they can cut through the confusion and help ensure success.

A Champion

Your insurance company will send out an adjuster, but they work for the insurer. This means that they’re going to do their best to save their employer money. Hiring a public adjuster means you have someone on your side that works for you.

Saves You Time

Dealing with a claim can take a lot of time and energy – something most people don’t have to spare. A public adjuster can not only file all of your paperwork but also deal with the negotiations and the details. It takes the headache off of you while ensuring you get a fair settlement.

Pay Nothing Upfront

You don’t have to worry about coming out of pocket to get your adjuster working for you. They don’t get paid until you do, taking a percentage of your settlement instead of charging you directly.

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