Top 5 Commercial Construction Trends to Watch Out For

commercial construction trends 2023

The past few years have been tough for construction professionals. However, the industry is transforming to meet sustainability demands and stay competitive.

Digital innovations like collaborative project management software have become increasingly popular. Other trends include 3D printing and drones for inspections and land surveying. Embracing these new technologies can save firms time, money, and resources.

Building Information Modeling (BIM)

Before BIM, architects and construction companies largely relied on two-dimensional technical drawings to express a project’s dimensions and requirements. As BIM has evolved, so have the dimensions it represents, moving beyond traditional 2D CAD systems to 3D modeling. In addition to geometry, BIM can include information about construction sequencing, maintenance schedules, sustainability benchmarks, and more.

Technology is also being used to thwart construction fraud. A recent article by Construction Dive highlights how firms use software to monitor progress and track expenses, as well as features like e-signature capabilities, workflow rules, three-way matching for material and other purchases, and invoice payment tracking to weed out fraud.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the most critical commercial construction trends. This technology is being used to help speed up project completion, reduce costs, and improve safety.

As a result, searches for Flagler construction equipment that uses AI have been rising rapidly. Additionally, many contractors turn to robots for labor-intensive tasks such as tying rebar.

Another construction trend that is increasing in popularity is sustainable building. Green buildings are designed to be environmentally friendly by utilizing natural light, reusing water, and using renewable energy sources. These types of projects have a positive impact on the environment and can save money in the long run by reducing electricity bills.

3D Printing

3D printing is the process of building physical objects based on digital designs. Construction companies have used 3D printers to create ideas and prototypes and reduce production costs. This is driving the market for 3D printing in construction.

Concrete 3D printers build foundations, cinder blocks, and houses. The technology allows builders to produce more cost-effective, durable, and safe structures than traditional methods.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, 3D printing construction firms had to reduce production due to global lockdowns. However, as the outbreak subsided, the industry has regained momentum and is expected to snowball. The technology offers numerous benefits, such as reduced labor costs, faster project completion time, and less material wastage.


Human safety is paramount with so much heavy machinery and dangerous tools used on construction sites. But with innovations in safety gear, such as breathable materials and moisture-wicking work boots, job site accidents and fatalities will continue to decline.

Robots are being designed and built to work in places that are too dangerous for humans. One example is TyBOT, a construction robot that can handle welding and other tasks hazardous to humans. The search volume for construction robots has increased by 185% over the past five years.

The need for sustainable and environmentally friendly design and construction is growing in importance. This will remain a top priority for commercial construction companies in the upcoming year. If you’re looking for a firm that is up-to-date on the latest tech trends in commercial construction, contact Proforma Construction, serving Pleasanton and the Bay Area.


As technology continues to change other industries, it’s also disrupting construction. This includes digital collaboration software for remote teams, drones for inspections and survey land, and wearable sensors for worker safety regulations.

Other trends include using sustainable building materials. Searches for living building materials have increased, and many contractors now offer green options to their clients.

Additionally, incorporating jobsite technology will be important in 2023. Drones, robots, workflow technology, and autonomous equipment can streamline processes and improve efficiency on job sites. This will benefit clients and contractors as they’ll complete their projects more quickly and with less cost. Additionally, companies will put more emphasis on workplace safety to keep workers healthy. This includes reducing risky tasks and ensuring workers are adequately trained and prepared.

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