These is an old adage that says, “An English Man’s Home is His Castle” this simple little phrase was first thought to have been used in 1604 when a wise English judge, Sir Edward Coke used a similar expression when ruling on a case involving excess force being used by the local Sheriff to gain entry into an innocent man’s home. What he actually said was, “That the house of every one is to him as his Castle and Fortress”. His phrase is now interpreted as meaning that individuals have the right to privacy and that others should enter their homes by invitation only. This is a great analogy of how property owners in the diverse and multicultural City of Gloucester usually feel about their Homes and Businesses. The buildings that they live and work in are their Fortresses and Castles, their safe places where they can spend their days in the knowledge that they will be warm, comfortable, secure and able to carry out their daily lives peacefully. Owning a residential or commercial property in the City of Gloucester can be easily achieved through a reputable, experienced, professional, local, Estate Agents Gloucester such as With house prices rising in and around the City by 1.1% to approximately £278,594 for a semi-detached home, now is a great time to invest in a Gloucester property and this consummate Team of professionals will ensure that your move is as straight-forwards and stress-free as possible and goes through in a quick and timely manner.
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