5 Benefits of Land Title Registration for a Homeowner

Land ownership is a trend that has existed throughout history. People, families, and clans identified themselves by the lands they built their homes on and settled. Land registration is paramount as different laws and regulations come into place. Registering your land as an investor, farmer, or owner is a way of creating an identity. Here are the benefits of land title registration for a homeowner.


Any homeowner is aware of fraudsters and the harm they can cause to families. By registering your land title, you get an avenue to protect your property from fraudsters. You avoid cases of identity theft and people trying to sell or mortgage your land without your knowledge. Through land title registration, you get protection from the government and keep your family safe.

Land Conflict Resolution

Land ownership is a common cause of conflict and strife among family members. Proof of ownership helps families solve related conflicts. By registering your land title, you easily solve disputes related to ownership and right over family land. By registering your land and avoiding related disputes, you promote cohesion in the family.

Evidence of Ownership

Evidence of ownership is the obvious benefit that comes with land title registration. The evidence of ownership allows you to invest in the land, sell and buy a property or handle other related activities. Note that your details remain in the land register, allowing you to claim ownership in case of a dispute. Also, companies such as Southern Title help you in the registration process and prove ownership.

Record of Previous Dealings

Before you become a land owner, the chances that it has a long history are higher. As a homeowner, you want to avoid unexpected claims from previous owners or strangers. By registering your land title, you get a record of previous deals and ownership. This also helps you understand the steps that will help protect your property.

Loan and Mortgage Application

Financial needs can arise at any given time. This might also compel you to seek financial help through the loan application. Using your land as collateral will help you achieve this objective fast but only after registering and getting a title.

Before starting any projects on the land, ensure it gets registered. As a homeowner, you can benefit in several ways. The above guide explains more.

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