Black tights are one of fashion’s staple items, and there’s a wealth of information on styling them. Besides, it is probably an item you are accustomed to wear, so already know which outfits they suit. But coloured tights are a different matter. It is becoming increasingly common to see coloured tights on fashion-show catwalks or celebrity red carpets, but for many it is hard to know how to style them.
What Colours to Wear
Tights can come in every colour, and what colours you choose will depend on the colours of clothes currently in your wardrobe. With coloured tights available in every sort from 80 denier tights to patterned ones, browse from a reputable retailer such // to see which colours catch your eye. However, there are some colours that are seen more widely than others.
If you are not accustomed to wearing brightly coloured tights like red tights, the best way to get started is to wear them to add a splash of colour to a classic item such as a little black dress or a pantsuit. If you are feeling more daring, wear opaque tights under sheer lace skirts and use the colour to accentuate details from the top half of your outfit.
There are lots of brown and neutral-coloured clothes around at the moment that would look great paired with brown tights. Choose tights of a similar brown to your outfit. Black shoes or boots can provide a bold contrast. A soft, sheer brown is also a good neutral colour that can be matched with outfits of a variety of colours.
White tights bring a light, fresh appeal to an outfit. If you wear them with other white items such as a dress or skirt and jumper, it is worth having some black detail or accessories to break up the starkness. Alternatively, add a bold pop of colour in a vibrant tone or wear white lacy tights for a soft feminine appearance. If your white tights are very sheer, bear in mind your natural skin tone will influence the effect.