Risks to Your Home in the Winter Months

During the winter there are more risks to be aware of especially when it comes to your home. Here are some of the things that you should keep an eye out for and how you can reduce the risk of them…

Damage from Wind – In the winter, storms are not unusual and with this comes high winds which can cause all sorts of issues. Your roof is at risk of these strong winds and it is a good idea to make sure that you check for obvious damage like loose tiles and get this repaired before winter sets in. Another thing that you should do is get a tree surgeon to have a look at trees that are near your roof and cut them back if necessary.

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Burglary – The longer hours of darkness are attractive to burglars who can sneak around unseen. Home security is a great deterrent and things like security lighting and alarms can keep your home safe. Contact a company like this CCTV Cheltenham based company https://apmfireandsecurity.com/cctv-installation/cctv-installation-cheltenham/ to have home security put into your home for peace of mind.

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Frozen Pipes – When temperatures drop down below zero, water freezes – and if your pipes are not well insulated, then the water in the pipes can also freeze, which not only causes a blockage in the frozen pipe but also you will run the risk of the pipe bursting when it has frozen up.

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