How to greet visitors in a professional manner

When visitors attend any business it is important that they are greeted in a professional manner. The opinion that they form on the business will start from the moment that they arrive at the building and there are a number of things that you can do to ensure that this opinion is a positive one.

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Outside area – make sure that the outside area of your business is clean and tidy and that any car parking area is clearly marked and also kept tidy. In the autumn and winter months, this will also include ensuring that all the fallen leaves are cleared up and any ice and snow are removed.

Signs – there is nothing worse than pulling up to a business and not having any idea of where you need to go. Make sure that you have clear signs showing where the reception area is and make sure that they show the way from all the entrance points that you have.

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Sign in – when your visitors reach your reception area you will want to make sure that your receptionist has an efficient way to sign them in. A Visitor Management System like the ones you can get from are a great way to do this.

Waiting area – if your visitors are going to wait for the relevant member of staff to meet them you will want to make sure that you have a nice waiting area. This will include having some comfortable seats and making an area where they can get themselves a drink.

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