Employers often rely on monetary rewards to show appreciation for their employees. Bonus checks and gift cards are common ways to express gratitude for a job well done. However, these methods may seem too impersonal for some business owners and managers. Creative employee events may be the key for leaders striving to reward and connect with their employees.
Open Houses
Employee appreciation events don’t necessarily require a special venue. Simply host an open house and invite employees and their families to attend. Lay out some great food and offer door prizes and games for the kids. Employees will enjoy showing loved ones where they go every day to work. If the organization is a manufacturer of any kind, display finished products for all to admire. Be sure that management is available to personally greet everyone!
Casino Nights
With a little extra work, employers can create an immersive experience for their employees by hosting a casino night. Recruit managers and supervisors to act as dealers and wait staff. Provide free gambling chips and thoughtful prizes. Recruit the help of a special events planner Birmingham MI to guide your planning. Employees will enjoy the affordable opportunity to dress up and socialize.
Golf Outings
Golf outings are a great opportunity to build camaraderie. Make them more fun by offering special contests at each hole that non-golfers may win. Again, utilize management to cater to the employee teams as they navigate the golf course. End the day with snacks and more door prizes. This may be a family-friendly outing or an adult-only event.
Employees will gladly accept monetary rewards, but they will truly appreciate the extra time taken to coordinate an open house or outing. Including family in these events fosters goodwill and promotes an inclusive workplace. Management should not underestimate how far a little extra effort and planning can go to ensure that employees feel truly appreciated.