Reliance upon municipal water supplies may be putting consumers at risk. Dangerous additions such as fluoride, chlorine, and chloramine have been shown to have a significant, and incredibly negative impact on human health. Despite the fact that <a href=”″>more than 60,000 chemicals</a> are being used as part of municipal, water treatment processes within the U.S., only 91 of these chemicals are currently regulated as per the Safe Drinking Water Act. Moreover, the standards for these chemicals have not been amended since the 1980s. For these and many other reasons, many savvy consumers are currently considering the benefits of using well water instead. Following is everything that people need to know about using potable well water, in place of the water that’s being municipally routed to their properties.
Well Water Can Be Used To Meet All Household Water Needs
When properly dug, tested, and maintained, water wells can meet a household’s <a href=””>full range of water needs</a>. Most groundwater is potable. It is also acceptable for irrigation, bathing, washing clothes, and general sanitation. Moreover, once a homeowner’s well has been put in place, the property will have access to an abundant supply of clean and chemical-free water at a mere fraction of the normal cost.
The Ongoing Condition Of Your Water Well Matters
It’s hardly enough to have a functioning and safe water well installed. Keeping this property feature in good condition is a vital part of making sure that your water supplies never run out, and that they’re never at risk of contamination. When choosing to rely on well water New York locals have to be prepared for the ongoing job of keeping this feature up to an acceptable standard, and making sure that it’s regularly and diligently tested. The good news is that the companies that handle the creation of these features usually supply a comprehensive range of well maintenance tips before and after their services are performed. This way, consumers can have a clear and comprehensive understanding of what their responsibilities are from the very outset.
Your Responsibilities As A Water Well Owner
When it comes to providing your household with clean, fresh groundwater from a local well, the maintenance and testing of this well falls directly into your hands. You will be required to obtain all necessary permits from local, county or city authorities ahead starting your well construction. You will additionally need to have a comprehensive water analysis performed before your contractor and the city or county in question will sign the project off. It is often, also necessary for homeowners to conduct routine water safety inspections, and to retain records of these inspections for review. When routine inspections are not required, wells may need to be professionally tested for safety and purity ahead of selling or leasing the home.