3 Best Questions to Ask an Appraiser

Are you preparing for a property appraisal Volusia County? Before you can hire an appraiser, there are certain questions you will need to ask. This will ensure that you hire the most qualified person for the job who will give you an accurate appraisal. It also helps you get a feel of the type of person you are about to work with. Take a look at some important questions you should ask an appraiser before hiring.

How Long Have You Been Operating?

You should always prioritize knowledge and experience. These two come with many years on the job. A standard property or one that is not so complex can be handled by someone with five years of experience or more. But if you own a complex property, find an appraiser that has been on the field for more than ten years. Home appraisals should be able to tell you what your home is worth. And if you work with an inexperienced person, you are likely to lose in the end.

Are You Licensed or Certified?

A licensed appraiser only appraises homes worth $1M and below. In addition, they cannot conduct FHA appraisals. On the other hand, certified appraisers tend to have more education, training, and experience. If you are considering an FHA loan, they are the ones you go to. They can also handle complex properties.

Where Is Your Office Located?

It is good to hire appraisers on your local property as they understand the area well. However, that is not to say someone not from your locality might not understand the market. The next question you should ask is if they have previously appraised properties in that area. Someone working with property owners in your area also has a firm grasp of that area’s real estate market.

These are the important questions you need to ask a property appraiser. They are a necessary step as they can tell you the real value of your home instead of guessing.

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