Reasons Why You Should Have A Regular Fire Risk Assessment

“FIRE”, a word that when shouted out loud can bring fear and dread into the hearts and minds of any adult, “FIRE” a word that is often associated with death and destruction.  Flames, Smoke, Despair, the shouting of just this one word, “FIRE” can cause panic and hysteria.  Property owners of any kind and parents everywhere strive to do everything they can to help prevent a Fire from breaking out in their homes and businesses.  Having a thorough Fire Risk Assessment carried out on any property that’s conducted by a professional, reputable, experienced, Fire Risk Assessment company such as is one of the best ways to ensure any  individuals either living in the property or working there are fully aware of the dangers of a Fire and what they should do if they discover one.

A professional Fire Risk Assessment is a methodical and organised look at any premises, that can identify and analyse the activities carried out on there. The aims of a Fire Risk Assessment are:  To clearly identify all Fire Hazards and reduce the risk of those hazards causing harm to as low as reasonably practicable.  To help individuals decide what physical Fire Precautions and Management Arrangements are necessary to ensure the safety of individuals in any premises, if a fire did start.  NEVER leave Candles burning, or gas cookers turned on, don’t leave matches lying around when children are present, Prevention is ALWAYS better than cure, especially where FIRE is concerned.

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