How to lead a healthy lifestyle? If you think about it, apparently the answer is simple: eat healthy, make movement and take care of yourself. But the truth is that then really few, they can cope with everyday life. The big question of all time is: Why? Little will? Few means? Or just indifference?
There is a factor that few people calculate, but to which the school is trying to remedy: education. The school and the family are the first places where the future adult should learn a healthy lifestyle but the reality is another: at school the boys smoke, they buy ready snacks and snacks and they neglect physical education. With these premises it is quite difficult for adults to be more inclined to a healthy lifestyle.
Healthy lifestyle: Rules and advice
Carrying out a healthy lifestyle in our day is not easy: do you have little time to cook? Buy something precooked and end the problem. At the end of the day are you tired / bored / stressed? Throw yourself on the sofa and turn on the TV. These are things that happen every day, of which we are also indifferent protagonists very often.

Let’s try to give a look at some fundamental pillars of a healthy lifestyle …
1. Eat well and healthy
The sphere of nutrition is becoming more and more the object of criticism, take cow milk for example: according to some theories it is the origin of many ills because it seems too protein, poor in reality of calcium and because in substance our body has not absolutely need (no other species in nature consume milk after weaning if not cats for goodies). The undersigned has eliminated cow’s milk and has benefited greatly.
Then there is the defendant par excellence: refined sugar, what is it for? To make caries, diabetes and various problems arise. Would not honey be better? It is an excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, not to mention that each type of honey has its own properties (chestnut honey is excellent for example against anemia, while eucalyptus honey is optimal for those with respiratory problems or colds etc.).
The animal fat is another sore point, it is certainly not like the sugar that now you put almost everywhere, which many consider very good, but that is actually a road to the circulatory problems, the same for butter and lard that should be used little to say almost never.
The olive oil is instead the top, attention: raw! Cooked very often it loses its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties (and in the salad there are not more than two teaspoons).
The meat should be eaten in moderation and preferably it should be white, but surely you already know it.
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Legumes and whole grains are precious allies that often pass into the background: instead the legumes contain proteins and whole grains are sources of mineral salts and provide the same energy, but less sugar, white bread and pasta. Fruit and vegetables in quantity of course.
In terms of drinks obviously nothing beats the centrifuged and homemade juices that are endless times healthier than those found at the supermarket.
The classic glass of wine with meal there (but in reality if you eat the grapes with all the peel you get the same result) but the other alcohols would be avoided because they seriously harm the body.
2. Movement
Above all, once you have reached the age of thirty, making movement becomes indispensable. There is obviously a “but”: but why do I walk the road if I can take the car / the bike / the public transport? If the distance is great it is more than justified but if it is a walk, what’s wrong if you walk it? The same situation for the bike thrown in the attic or in the cellar, is an interesting training if practiced consistently.
In a healthy lifestyle, the movement is basic but half the population continues to turn a deaf ear, finding themselves with extra pounds, circulatory problems, joints, depression and breathing problems. If instead you try to practice at least half an hour of sport a day (which can also be simply a walk) here is that our mood would improve and even our body.
3. Healthy lifestyle and stress
A healthy lifestyle involves little stress, which leads us to the movement that helps to release tension, helps to relax but also to distract and then, let’s face it, being more fit is less stressful than looking in the mirror thinking “Oh my God bacon”. All focus on yoga, which as a meditative activity helps a lot to relax, but I would focus more on laughter that really help you feel good. Attending people who make us feel good is a way to relax, play with our animal friends or just walk in a natural environment. Maintaining social relationships helps us live better.
Healthy lifestyle: Commandments
The Ten Commandments of Healthy Lifestyle …
- Do not smoke, smoking will harm you and those around you;
- Eat on a healthy diet, maybe the Mediterranean one, chewing slowly and slowly;
- Sleep the right amount and forget about problems before going to bed;
- Prelate calmly: agitate, get angry and stress will not help you have a healthy lifestyle;
- Move as many times as you can and if you can go straight to the gym. As soon as you can unplug it, turn off the cell, unplug the TV and get your time back;
- Be flexible, realistic and show your feelings and assume your responsibilities;
- Respect the environment, your neighbor, be friendly and kind to everyone, animals and make use of products and materials that do not harm you or nature;
- Avoid alcohol and especially bitters, high-calorie foods and drugs, forget about energy drinks, rather eat more fruits and vegetables;
- Spend some time in silence, meditation and reflection;
- Get up early and lie down early, live according to regular rhythms, but without getting crushed by the routine.
These are just some tips to have a healthy lifestyle, what do you think?