When Only Bespoke Will Do

You may have heard of people commissioning works of art but what does it really entail and can anyone do it? Commissioning a piece of art means you ask an artist or designer to create something specifically for you, a bespoke item that you cant buy in the shops. The wonderful aspect of commissioning is that not only is your piece totally unique but you can be involved in the design process too.

How to go about commissioning an item

First of all, the act of commissioning something should a fun and enjoyable experience so start by thinking about what sort of item you want and where it will be placed. What is the purpose of the object? Who is it for? Where will it go? There are many websites you can look at to compare different styles, artists and the types of work you might prefer.

Make notes as this will help when it comes to describing exactly what youre looking for when youve found an artist. This will become what is known as the brief and the information that the artist will use to work from. For Bronze Animal Sculptures, visit http://www.gillparker.com/

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Who to contact

Always look at artists websites, where you might find frequently asked questions information and details of whether they accept commissions or not. Once you have your list of ideas and artists that you like, the next step is to contact them or the galleries who represent them. Discussing the commissioning process with the artist or gallery will help you to see and understand their specialisms and whether they are the right fit for you.

Questions to ask

Once you have made contact, ask if they are currently accepting commissions. They may have a waiting list or be fully booked at that time with other projects. Be as clear as possible about what youre looking for so they can decide if the work is something they actually want to engage in. Plan ahead and have a budget in mind. There may be room for negotiation, depending on the artist.

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What next?

Its very important to draw up a contract. If youve been communicating by email then this is an acceptable form of contract nowadays. Information that should be included in a contract include: names, dates, the job specification, what are buying the rights to, dates youd like to see progress or updates, final due by date, broken down costings and how payment will be made.

Express Yourself

Try to be as concise as possible when explaining what it is you want to achieve. Artists cannot read minds so to avoid disappointment, be clear and helpful. If you are providing photos or reference material, it has to be a photo that youve taken and it has to clear. If you want them to create something from your imagination then you need to provide as much in-depth description and direction as possible. An artist should agree to let you see the work at certain points in the development providing the perfect opportunity to discuss any revision requirements early on.

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